Swaad Ka Safarnama: The name of ‘Sitaphal’ is associated with the Ramayana period, you will be surprised to know interesting facts about Sharifa

Swaad Ka Safarnama: The name of ‘Sitaphal’ is associated with the Ramayana period, you will be surprised to know interesting facts about Sharifa


Sitaphal has been engraved in the caves of Ajanta.
Sitaphal is also associated with the Ramayana period.
Sharif is seen in the market in the winter season.

Swad Ka Safarnama: As rough and strange as Sharifa fruit is in appearance, it is as tasty and full of qualities in eating. This is such a fruit, whose sweetness is of some ‘different type’ and it cannot be described. But food experts consider it a special fruit. Ayurvedacharya is also a fan of this fruit. It is an exotic fruit, but the surprising thing is that Sharif has been carved in some ancient temples and caves of India.

Sharifa first grew in the forests

Sharifa, (Custard Apple) which is also known as Sitaphal in some states of India. That’s why it is also linked to the Ramayana period. It is said that during the exile, Mother Sita gave this fruit to Shri Ram to eat, since then it got its name Sitaphal. The special thing is that this fruit also looks wild. This is very rude. Not too attractive to look at. But its pulp is very sweet from inside and this sweetness is also a bit different.

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In India, custard apple is grown in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and other states. Image-Canva

Books related to the history of fruits tell that this fruit really first grew in the forests and only then it was cultivated. In India it is grown in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh etc. As soon as winters are about to come, it starts appearing in the markets and disappears after two-two and a half months.

America is its origin

Experts related to the history of fruits believe that Sharif originated in the tropical regions of America, especially Guatemala, before 1000 BC. There it grew by itself. Later, seeing its sweetness, the American settlers started growing it. There is also an idea that this fruit first grew in the West Indies. Gradually this fruit reached other countries as well. Today, custard apple is being cultivated in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Israel, Burma, Philippines, Spain, Sri Lanka, South Africa etc.

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Fruit carved in Ajanta caves

There is not much clarity about the origin of this fruit in India. But some evidence suggests that this fruit is being grown in India since ancient times. Author and senior scientist of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Dr. Bishwajit Chowdhary has given information in his book ‘VEGETABLES’ that this fruit is mentioned in Ain-Akbari. But it is also said that when the Portuguese came to India, like other fruits and commodities, they also brought Sharif. He says that the information about this fruit is not visible in the ancient texts of India.

sitafal, custard apple

The inside of Sharif is white in color and soft. It is very sweet, and delicious fruit. Image-Canva

Surprisingly, this fruit has been engraved in the caves of Ajanta. Apart from this, Sharifa has also been inscribed along with the idols of deities in some ancient temples of Mathura.

Special types of compound elements exist

This fruit is considered very beneficial. According to well-known Ayurveda expert Acharya Balkishan, who has done extensive research on Indian herbs, fruits and vegetables, the taste of Sharif is different from other fruits. Even though it looks a bit rough when seen from above, but the inner part is white in color and soft. It is very sweet, and delicious fruit. Due to its color, appearance and taste, it becomes a bit special from other fruits. He says that Sharifa is such a diet which is used for making the body healthy as well as for the treatment of many diseases. According to Ayurveda, it can be used for the treatment of many diseases, not just one or two.

On the other hand, food experts also believe that this fruit contains minerals and vitamins, as well as some different types of compounds which are very beneficial for the body. Antioxidants like flavonoids and carotenoids are found in this fruit, which strengthen the body’s immune system and help in keeping the blood pure. It is beneficial in respiratory problems and also provides relief from diseases like asthma.

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Sharif is also beneficial in depression

According to food expert and Yogacharya Rama Gupta, its consumption reduces depression. The special ingredients found in it enhance the skin and nourish the hair. If a person is suffering from high blood pressure, then consumption of custard apple is beneficial for him. Fiber is also found in plenty in this fruit, so it keeps the digestive system healthy, as well as cleans the intestines. Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6 are also found in it. All these protect the body from infection. Its use also makes the muscles healthy. It is to be remembered that its peel and seeds are not eaten, if eaten by mistake, there may be a possibility of stomach ache and vomiting. Excess intake of this fruit causes lethargy.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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